by maheshhegde on Aug 31, 2010 |
Posts: 3 Joined: Aug 28, 2010 Last seen: Dec 7, 2015 |
Hi, I was using that document only(UG 138.pdf).But am not able to get it working.Our product is high speed camera.So Sensor is connected to FPGA (SPARTAN 6 ,LX45).I didn't got board yet.It's in fabrication stage.So i am writing (128x128) data in a file.I am reading that from that file & i am arranging that data into rows x columns (128x128) through test bench.I am reading that data from my sensor code then sending into ETHERNET FIFO by adding "Sourse Adress(SA),Destination Adress(DA) & Length Of Frame".I am using IP core for ethernet (TEMAC).The speed of ethernet is 1 Gbps.According to that i created the core.From FIFO MAC core is getting that sensor data.MAC core is transmitting that data by adding "PREAMBLE & Start Of Frame" fields for each frame.GMII_Txd is transmitted signal from MAC core.Upto here it' right.Transmitting side STATISTICS VECTOR will holds the length of the last frame as given in the document ,& STATISTICS VECTOR Valid signal is asserting. According to this we can calculate the length of last frame.It's correct.Whatever i given that's transmitting properly. I am shorting GMII_Txd &GMII_Rxd signals.Upto GMII_Rxd signal data is correct only, whatever GMII_Txd signal is sending the data that's coming.Then It's going inside MAC core.According to UG138.pdf receiving side also MAC core is having STATISTICS VECTOR as well as valid signal (rxstatsvld).MAC Core is getting (receiving) all the data with PREAMBLE , Start Of Frame,SA,DA,Length Of Frame &FCS field," even though STATISTICS VECTOR is not holding history of received last frame & Valid signal is not asserting (Rxstatsvld)"Simply data's are going into MAC core.Then it's going to receiving side Client FIFO.In receiving side Client FIFO each frame contains PREAMBLE , Start Of Frame, fields. As mentioned in the document "MAC core has to stripp PREAMBLE , Start Of Frame," these 2 fields. But it's not happening in my case.This is the problem i am facing in my simulation. Please any one can help me............................ Thanks a lot in advance......... Mahesh Hegde |